Custom Training   

Meaningful visuals and facilitated discussion are fundamental to learning. Give us the content, and we design programs and materials that will help people understand and retain what you want them to know -- in English or in Spanish. For example:



Customize It!

We can customize this program to address the specific concerns of your work environment.  Along with your staff, we will identify the most significant challenges your organization is facing and design a program that addresses them in a way that is congruent with your organizational culture.

Cultura:  Practical Guidance for Cultural Differences



The growing Latino/Hispanic population in NC presents interesting cultural and language challenges to university administration staff. 



This multi-disciplinary class covers history, geography, language, and cultural traditions to give participants a flavor of similarities and differences between Latin American countries. The class offers participants a forum to express their frustrations and ask questions. 



By having culturally informed staff, the university is able to extend the same excellent level of service to Latino individuals as to all its clients.  They return to their jobs with a better understanding and more empathy for employees and co-workers of Latino/Hispanic origin.    




Customize It!

We can teach your staff the principles of PowerPoint® design even if you have schedule or geographic constraints.  From workshops to individual coaching (via phone or in person), we'll help your staff go to the next level with presentations!  


Presentation Pizzazz: Slide Design and Use of Graphics in PowerPoint®


A Training and Development group who used PowerPoint® routinely in their training programs asked us to design a workshop to teach them the principles of effective slide design.


We developed a workshop covering the principles of color, text, layout, graphics manipulation and animation.  Participants learned the concepts through hands-on exercises and then applied them to a project of their choice.


Staff who are responsible for their own presentation design could perform this aspect of their jobs more efficiently and effectively than they had before.  The PowerPoint® tricks and shortcuts saved them time and rework, and better design made it easier for their audience to retain the information presented..  



Custom Self-Paced Modules

Even if you're not quite ready to jump into e-learning, you can still offer your employees (or customers) information they can access conveniently online via PowerPoint® or FrontPage®.  You tell us what you want to say -- we'll make it clear and visual.


The Business


A health insurance company wanted to explain the business of insurance to new employees as part of the new hire orientation program.   They wanted it to be a self-paced module that new hires could complete on their own during the first few weeks of employment


Rather than purchase an expensive authoring program to complete the project, we showed them how they could accomplish their objective (and save money) by designing the project in PowerPoint® and uploading the module to their intranet. In this excerpt, you can see how humor, color and visual metaphors are used to explain concepts to employees with limited knowledge of the insurance business.


Presenting the information in a lighthearted way made it easier for new employees to understand the insurance business and how serving the customer impacts the very survival of the company. Presenting information via the web offered scheduling flexibility that minimized disruptions to business operations.  



HIPAA:  SC Medicaid


A Department of Health and Human Services was modifying its computer system to incorporate mandates of new HIPAA legislation.  The changes would affect claim payment transactions and code sets, and providers needed to understand how these would affect the way they bill for Medicaid services.


In addition to live training sessions and paper bulletins, they decided to offer providers the convenience of an online option for understanding the changes.  This was accomplished using self-paced PowerPoint® presentation uploaded to the web site.


Making this information available to providers, in addition to the other information venues, strengthened their efforts to make as many providers as possible aware of how HIPAA would affect billing.


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